How to Build a Book of Songs

If you are just starting out as a singer and you are hoping to gig or sit in, you might want to put together a book of songs.

Building the Momentum Muscle

Bringing focus and attention to detail to our practice sessions is necessary and important to improving our singing. However …

8 Tips to Help You Sound Good and Sing Well

As singers, we want to sound good. And, as odd as it may sound, sometimes that can get in our way.

How to Woo Your Voice

Between teaching at MCTC and in my own teaching studio and coaching the kiddos at Northeast Middle School, I am talking to a lot of people about the fundamentals of singing. (Yay!)

Sadly, some of these singers don’t like their voices. (*sad face*) …

How to Survive a Scat Solo

With practice scat singing during a solo can be exciting and great fun and allow you to unlock original and memorable versions of the songs you sing. …